Chinas overpopulation
Overpopulation is understood as a situation in which the number of occupants in a specified area exceeds the ability the area can provide. China is a large population taking up roughly seven percent of the earth’s land mass with close to 25% of the world’s population. According to U.S. Census Bureau (2011) China has more citizens than any other nation, “China in first place with 1.33 billion people, India second with 1.14 billion people, and third the United States with 303 million people,” (World Population Summary). China’s legal working age to start is at around 15 years and lasts up to and about 64 years of age. Possessing a large population and a lengthy working age allows China’s economy to capitalize on work efficiency. Chinas overpopulation is a resource to its economic gains by providing mass production at a low cost to business around the globe. Overpopulation has led china