Daniel Reisel was sent to study the brains of clinically diagnosed psychopaths in an England prison. Although, he was studying in a separate country from the problematic United States, and not all prisoners are psychopaths, his thoughts could become helpful in prison overpopulation in the United States. Reisel explains that the criminals he studied had a deficiency in the part of the brain (Reisel, 2013). Prisons have been reforming around the world to cut overpopulation in the facilities and allow ex-inmates to become functioning members of society with different efforts put forth to rehabilitate the inmates, suggesting that with the adoption of different policies and possibly …show more content…
It can be agreed, prisons could benefit from proper rehabilitation for inmates, so they can transition into society, without becoming a reoccurring offender. There are different measures that could be taken. If the United States would adopt more of the policies overpopulation and reoccurring offenders could be an issue in the past. If more prisons in the United States could adopt the policies, prisoners would not carry such a burden of a stigma, and begin to be treated as actual members of the