1.1 Authorization of the study
Internship program is an excellent combination of convenient and practical way of learning, which enables the students to prepare themselves to face the challenges and to meet the demand of competitive job market. After completion of BBA, the students are sent to different organizations to obtain some practical exposure in different sectors which would help them in building their future professional career. As a student of BBA, I have assigned to BASIC Bank Limited, Shantinagar Branch, Foreign Exchange Division for my practical orientation. As my supervisor directed me to present the report in a way, that would be based on the personal observations from the department I worked in, I have tried my best to acquainted every nook and cranny of foreign exchange Division of BASIC bank Limited, Shantinagar Branch.
1.2 Objectives of the study
The Prime objectives of internship & report preparing are to gather practical knowledge regarding banking systems and operation. This practical orientation gives us a chance to co-ordinate the theoretical knowledge with the practical experience. The following are the objectives for this practical orientation in bank:
➢ To get an idea about the Foreign exchange Business of BASIC Bank Limited. ➢ To acquire knowledge about the every day banking operation. ➢ To help the students in understanding their job market condition. ➢ To apply theoretical knowledge in the practical field. ➢ To understand the real situation of management.
1.3 Scope of the study
The scope of the study is to find out the way of foreign exchange business operation of BASIC Bank Ltd. from the basis of past records, personal observation and manuals. The report covers the following areas:
➢ BASIC Bank Limited at a glance. ➢ Overview of Foreign Exchange on BASIC Bank Ltd. ➢ Foreign exchange operations of BASIC Bank Limited. ➢
Bibliography: ➢ S.S. & Kapoor, G.K. (1994) – “Banking Law and Practice”, S Chand & Company, New Delhi, Page | 34 ➢ Annual Report of BASIC Bank Limited Published- 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 & 2004. ➢ Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM), 2000.