An Overview of Progressive Collapse |
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An Overview of Progressive Collapse
Aut hors Ketul Ruparelia Student, CEPT Univ ersity Dr. P V Patel Professor, Nirm a Univ ersity Bhairav Patel Structural Engineer, VMS Engineering Abst ract Progressiv e collapse is spread of an initial local structural dam age causing partial or total collapse of structure. It is a kind of chain reaction where local dam age of prim ary load carry ing elem ent causes the collapse of adjoining m em bers which in turn, leads to additional collapse. The ultim ate collapse is disproportionate to the original cause. In today ’s fast growing infrastructure trend, it is necessary to accom m odate the m ost unfav orable situations in structure design. At the sam e tim e it is equally im portant to m ake it financially v iable. Progressiv e collapse is a situation which can be triggered from any kind of abnorm al loading or ev ent like v ehicle im pact, bom b blast, design or construction error etc. Failure of any load carry ing structural m em ber can lead to catastrophic failure. In present literature study , an attem pt has been m ade to cov er the basic aspects of progressiv e collapse like historical background, m echanism , dev elopm ent of guidelines etc.
23% Increasing use of BIM (Building Inform ation Modelling) 17% Increasing use of Preengineered structures 2 5% Can't say 5%
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References: [1 ] US General Serv ice Adm inistration (GSA 2 003 ), “Progressiv e Collapse Analy sis and Design Guidelines for New Federal Office Buildings and Major Modernization Projects, 2 003 , USA” [2 ] IITK – GSDMA, “Guidelines on m easures to m itigate effects of terrorist attacks on buildings,” I ndian I nstitute of Technology, Kanpur & Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority, July 2 007 . [3 ] H.S. Lew, “Best practices guidelines for m itigation of building progressiv e collapse,” May 2 003 . [4 ] Bruce R. Ellingwood, “Mitigating risk from abnorm al loads and progressiv e collapse,” Journal of performance of constructed facilities / ASCE, pp. 3 1 5-3 2 3 , Nov . 2 006 . [5] National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), “Best practices for reducing the potential for progressive collapse in buildings” , U.S. Departm ent of Com m erce, Technology Adm inistration, NIST, U.S.A., August 2 006 . [6 ] United Facilities Criteria (UFC 4 -02 3 -03 ), “Design of buildings to resist the progressive collapse”, Departm ent of Defense, New York [7 ] Uwe Starossek, “Ty pology of Progressiv e Collapse”, Engineering Structures, Science Direct, Vol. 2 9 : 2 3 02 -2 3 07 , 2 007 7. Web Resources: [8] http://hiddenirony /2 01 1 /03 /2 3 /bell-m ohler-driscoll-and-thetheological-house-of-cards/ [9 ] http://m /2 009 /05/on-this-day -in-history -collapseof.htm l [1 0] /Progressiv e+ Collapse+ Ov erv iew [1 1 ] /com m unity /hartford/hc-1 9 7 8-civ ic-center-collapsepg,0,6 1 07 889 .photogallery [1 2 ] http://www.ny tim /2 008/07 /2 7 /us/2 7 hy att.htm l [1 3 ] [1 4 ] http://m biance_Plaza [1 5] http://9 1 1 research.wtc7 .net/non9 1 1 /oklahom a/index.htm l [1 6 ] http://www.globalsecurity .org/security /profiles/khobar_towers_bom bing.htm [1 7 ] /Library / [1 8] http://m ic_Center 8/8