Owen Wilson stars in Midnight in Paris by Woody Allen as Gil Pender, a man looking to find happiness through finally writing his novel. Jumping into an adventure full of movement, fantasy and love he experiences the night time of Paris in the 1920’s by travelling back in time. Through Gil we see the reflection of the modern man through the conflict with tradition and modernity, self-realization and movement.
In the opening scene of the movie, we see the city of Paris in its honest form; a city of filled with history and a metropolis filled with people. However, even though the movie has numerous references to nostalgia and golden age thinking, the true conflict with tradition is in Gil himself. The struggle to let go of is fiancé and his successful life is what is keeping him from happiness. As George Simmel believed, our relationships affect our identities, which is why the city and its impersonal relationships offered much opportunity. Gil is conflicted between his unfulfilled but successful Californian life and his desire to go into the big city and discover himself as an artist.
Curt Moreck that each city had two sides; surface and depth. It might seem as only luck gives you opportunities, but sometimes its your own will to walk instead of being driven that opens the door. In doing that, Gil got the opportunity to experience Paris and its "movement" in the 1920's. Drinkers, smokers, singers, dancers, writers, painters, photographers and the curious all spent the night sharing their honest and straightforward ideas. And when one party wasn't of their liking they'd move to another exhilarating place. By living
Experienced with another world, Gil now sees his situation differently. He faces denial over his cheating girlfriend and confronts the problem directly.