This results in a stigma attached to the top tiers of society as being overindulgent, entitled, and self-motivated, even when they perform seemingly altruistic acts of charity. For those who choose to live this way, this limited definition of ownership is certainly applicable; however, for those who are genuine in their attempts to help others, the negative reputation attached to them based solely off their wealthy status is often inaccurate. However, it is difficult to distinguish between sincerity and deceit, particularly with celebrities in today’s culture, unless there is an understanding of a particular person’s beliefs and morals, which can only be done through in-person interaction. Given this account, a person’s sense of ownership and self-identity, as well as others’ perceptions of them, should be formulated based on their distinct attributes which serve as the driving force for their interactions with
This results in a stigma attached to the top tiers of society as being overindulgent, entitled, and self-motivated, even when they perform seemingly altruistic acts of charity. For those who choose to live this way, this limited definition of ownership is certainly applicable; however, for those who are genuine in their attempts to help others, the negative reputation attached to them based solely off their wealthy status is often inaccurate. However, it is difficult to distinguish between sincerity and deceit, particularly with celebrities in today’s culture, unless there is an understanding of a particular person’s beliefs and morals, which can only be done through in-person interaction. Given this account, a person’s sense of ownership and self-identity, as well as others’ perceptions of them, should be formulated based on their distinct attributes which serve as the driving force for their interactions with