Millions of Americans have owned or currently care for a pet of some sort. These animals also include those of an exotic origin. The ownership of such animals is generally deemed as unusual or bizarre. Some would argue that exotic animals are not fit to be in the possession of a common person due to the belief that they are unmanageable and pose harm to the owner. Although, this is merely a stereotype produced by those who are in opposition to keeping uncommon pets. The ability to own exotic animals as pets should be maintained and recognized as acceptable.…
In the, “Exotic Animals Belong in the Wild,” essay, the author made a good, persuasive case. They used a lot of evidence to back up their case, and they also included a lot of details. It is quite clear that the author does not think people should be able to own exotic pets. First of all, the author included a lot of evidence to back up their case. For example, the author said, “Most animal rights groups, such as the Humane Society of the United States and Born Free USA, agree that wild animals are not meant to be kept as pets.”…
Studies suggest that the dogs known and loved today are descendants of the wolf (Zgurski). The wolf is an animal renowned for its ruthless predatory nature. It has an amazing ability to use aggressive tactics in protecting itself, obtaining vital resources, competing for pack status, and defending its territory (Price). Wolves are pack animals and organize themselves into ranks by age, strength, and ability, forming a pack hierarchy. The…
According to the Library of Congress, in Mexico exotic pets are allowed if registered with Mexico environmental authorities. There also has to be respect for certain regulations by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. If the regulations are not respected, people could get fined, their permit could be suspended, they could go to jail for thirty-six hours, and or their pet could be confiscated. In the US, there are five states that have no laws on keeping wild animals as pets. There are twenty-one states that ban exotic pets, and the rest of the states require for people to have permits or only allow certain species as…
How would you feel if you were a special animal that was bought or raised to be hunted and killed where you’re not supposed to be? Exotic animals are often bought from zoos and/or raised to be hunted or killed in the Texas ranches. Not only is that cruel but the animals are also caged in during the hunt, as well as the hunting lasting year around due to there being no “closed season”.…
“And very little is known about these free-ranging, village dogs.” His team rectified that by collecting blood samples from 549 village dogs in 38 countries across 6 continents. “I did my Ph.D. work with tropical butterflies; by comparison, working with dogs is fantastic,” he adds. “You don’t need to hunt them down with a net. You show up, you have food, there are dogs.” ( Dogs have always been considered “Mans Best Friend.” However that title has barely lived up to it’s name when there are still dogs all around the world that get abused and murdered by their owners. Dogs who get dropped off in the middle of nowhere because their owners just can’t keep up with them anymore. Dogs who are euthanized because they’ve been in the pound so long and there is no hope for them to ever be rescued, may that be because of old age or even a history of biting people. Dogs are not born monsters, humans created the idea. Dogs may hurt you because of their past experiences with lousy…
Library Index. (2012a). Entertainment Animals - History - Wild, Acts, Century, and World, Retrieved December 11, 2012, from…
Pythons’ devastating effects on Florida’s environment as a result of the exotic pet trade The exotic pet trade is a multi-billion dollar market that sells animals typically not being held as pets to its customers. Pythons have become a particularly popular selling item in the exotic pet trade; through their release into nature, these non-native snakes have invaded Florida's environment and have been wreaking havoc upon the Everglades' native endangered and non- endangered animal populations alike, and pose a potential threat to humans. Before most foreign species are released into Florida's natural environment, they are pets of owners who either collect exotic animals or just relish in the sheer satisfaction of owning an animal…
All animals deserve our respect, not human rights. No one can deny that the social behavior, abilities, and mental capacities of apes are comparable to humans. As time comes, great apes can catch up on our evolutionary ladder and will eventually start to have the same intellectual as us as the development will advance. One reason of this great ape rights movement is because of the harmful scientific experiments and abuse to primates. Animals can feel pains too. These practices inside the laboratories can be view as torture to them. If we don't protect and care for them, species will slowly disappear. Instead of giving them rights as humans, why don't we just be their guardians and treat them our own family. They don't need to have to be like us, they just need to be treated right. All animals are not capable at everything that humans can do. If ever they are given legal human rights, are they also allowed to vote, drive, work and get pay too? I just can't imagine what's going to happen to everyone of us. This is just too much. Ethics of caring and respect is what they need, not to consider them as fully human.…
I maintain what I said which I totally disagree. There are some people not comfortable with the idea and projects in order to protects animals. In the article “ Of primates and personhood” by Ed Yong talks about some projects about apes basically talks how “ Great Ape Project” was established in 1993 it demands a basic set of moral and legal rights for chimpanzees and apes,gorillas bonobos and orangutans.” Yong state in his article “ i do think we have special obligations to the great apes as our closest relatives, but if we give rights to apes, what would be the compelling reason not to give rights to monkeys ,dogs rats, and so on” imagine give rights to this animals when they are not similar to us do not have…
It is true that not all cases of an exotic pet have a negative outcome and the responsible ownership of these animals can happen. Although, this is not always the case: there are dangers involved in owning an exotic animal. Kukol, Zuzana reports in USA Today, "Dangers from exotic animals are low. On average in the United States, only 3.25 people per year are killed by captive animals." It also claims that most of the animals are not "stolen" from the wild, but born in captivity. Although 3.25 deaths may not be a lot, especially when compared to something like the number of deaths daily from a motor vehicle, it is still too many because these deaths are preventable by leaving animals in their natural habitats. The article "Animals Born in Captivity" says, "Wild animals usually prefer to stay away from people; captive raised animals on the other hand are often too familiar and social with humans. For a wild animal, losing its caution of humans is a bad thing, dangerous for the animal and possibly us." When wild animals encounter humans, many foreign germs and infections spread to both the animals and the humans. Similarly, feeding wild animals may attract more animals into a town or near people, which can easily spread diseases and expose both the animals and the humans to foreign, and potentially deadly, germs and…
Canines, of all variations, have been apart of our day to day since approximately 10,000 to 15,000 years ago. It is thought that the current domesticated dog is a descendent of the grey wolf. Humans have been recorded using wolves for transportation, early alarm systems to warn of oncoming danger to themselves and their cattle, as well as herding flock animals. The relationship is thought to have begun with the wild animal sniffing around human settlements (in these days there were no cities or towns, settlements were more like camp sites) and eating the garbage that humans would leave behind,…
Many people enjoy the company of a pet, whether it be a cat or a dog; these animals provide a person with companionship and affection. Pet owners become emotionally invested in their pets and treat them as if they are part of the family. Some pet owners will pamper and shower these animals with affection as well as let them have the run of the house. However, a person needs to remember animals do not function as humans or have the capacity to reason. There are people who believe wild or exotic animals can be domesticated as well as become family pets. When taking care of pets such as a lion or primate these animals require more attention and owner responsibility. There are many states within the United States that have laws banning the ownership of wild animals. However, people are still purchasing exotic animals as pets through the black market. Local communities should not allow residents to own wild animals as companions or breed exotic animals for profit because of the domestic environment, health hazards, as well as the additional financial and social responsibilities associated with owning such pets.…
Humans, for a number of purposes, have utilized dogs since the beginning of time. In fact, the canine was the first domesticated animal. Dogs are a subspecies of the grey wolf, which is known as one of the most efficient hunting and tracking animals. Since its domestication, the dog has been the most widely used and kept working, hunting, and pet animal in history. The dog breeds that we have today are for the most part, relatively new. Even though dogs were domesticated thousands of years ago, most breeds are only a few hundred years old. In that time, breeders have pushed out the behaviors that are undesirable to the customer and bred purposely to keep certain characteristics. Through this breeding, the subspecies has been diversified…
is fine as long as proper care is taken of them. As for more controversial issue…