In computer system’s software utilities are important for the computer’s performance and protection.
Virus protection:
Virus protection checks for intruders on the computer, it tries to trace viruses, worms and Trojans by spotting their virus signature. This is a sequence of characters that an anti-virus traces by analysing the virus code. At the same time this is happening, people that write viruses attempt to block the anti-virus software by polymorphing, which allows a virus to change its appearance each time it infect a PC. With this happening all the time a new virus is created, anti-virus software produce updated version of its software to keep users protected.
The use of anti-virus is paramount and having the most up to date anti-virus software with a virus information file, a database with all the known viruses that could attack your computer and having the software regularly scans the computer system is very important. It keeps you up to date with your systems status and if a virus is detected, it will alert you straight away with it offering an option to quarantine the file, to repair a file, or to delete it.
This is why it is so important to have it on your system and to use it all the time, without it the performance of a computer system is affected and may lead to the computer becoming unusable.
Anti-virus software can improve the performance of a computer system for it protects it from potential threats to it and be able to block them. Some viruses can remove and destroy data and therefore slow down or shut down a computer. The computer will be able to work better with the software protecting it from attacks.
A firewall is a protective barrier that surrounds computers that are connected to a network, only allowing authorised programs to access data on a particular system. Users can control what software is allowed to pass