First off, this test takes seven to ten hours to complete. Students will test nine different times during the year. Five times for language arts and four for math. This test is three hours more than the current ISAT test. Imagine the amount of stress that is put on the student within that time. These people expect little kids young as six to complete an online test when at that age you do not even know how to work a computer, let alone take an online test on it. Kids that young should be doing hands on things such as arts and crafts. Not doing a computerized test, just so the state will look
First off, this test takes seven to ten hours to complete. Students will test nine different times during the year. Five times for language arts and four for math. This test is three hours more than the current ISAT test. Imagine the amount of stress that is put on the student within that time. These people expect little kids young as six to complete an online test when at that age you do not even know how to work a computer, let alone take an online test on it. Kids that young should be doing hands on things such as arts and crafts. Not doing a computerized test, just so the state will look