All of this information is in PCV Murcor’s Handbook along with a welcome statement from the owner and acknowledgment of receipt statement. This Handbook was made by PCV Murcor as they have Consequence based ethic system. All of the topics discussed in the Handbook are to prevent hurtful consequences to the company. The reason why PCV Murcor makes decisions with the consequence based ethic system is due to the fact that they would like to keep the company in business. PCV Murcor could still have a code of ethics but doesn’t seem to be something they have thought of or may not be a priority to PCV Murcor. Ask the CEO is a process that PCV Murcor has available. I put in a question to the CEO asking what he thought of creating a code of ethics document and posting it on the …show more content…
Dress code at PCV Murcor has changed recently as before it was business casual every day. The reason it was business casual is due to the fact that PCV Murcor had clients that would visit the company. Now PCV Murcor has casual day every Friday and casual week on the last week of every month. This is due to the fact that customers don’t visit PCV Murcor’s facility. Attendance rules at PCV Murcor are fairly simple as you have a seven minute grace period to clock in before you are considered tardy. Employee’s will receive a written warning when they receive five tardy’s on a rolling six month time frame and may face termination on further tardy’s within that time frame. Rules for PCV Murcor on outside employment, dress code, and attendance are based on what are the consequences to the company. Employees often times where clothing that is against company policy as it doesn’t affect the work being completed for PCV Murcor. Managers don’t warn or write the employees for dress code violations as it doesn’t affect the work being completed. Manager warn and write up employees that a tardy as the employee’s tardiness affects the amount of work that can be