Pablo Neruda and William Butler Yeats were two famous poets during their time – two people from two different times, different geographies, different cultures, different languages, same style. Their writing are structured around experience and arriving at the personal truth – the more personal they wrote, the more people they reached. They both discovered their identity through writing about love and loss.
Pablo Neruda was born Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto in Parral in 1904. Parral is a small town in central Chile. His father was a poor railway worker named don José del Carmen
Reyes Morales. Neruda's mother was Rosa Basoalto de Reyes. She was a school teacher that died of tuberculosis when Neruda was an infant. Don José Carmen, Pablo’s dad, took his sons and moved in 1906 to Temuco, where he ended up getting …show more content…
Neruda began writing poetry in 1914 when he was the age of ten. Then he met the Chilean poet
Gabriela Mistral when he was 12 years old. She encouraged his writings. Neruda's first serious achievement was the writing of an article that appeared in the magazine La Manana in 1917.
Soon to follow was one of his may poems called ‘Mis ojos', which appeared in Corre-Vuela in 1918. His family did not approve of his literary work and so he began to publish using the name Pablo Neruda which was first marked when he published poems in the magazine Selva Austral. Starting in 1921, Pablo studied French at the Instituto Pedagógico in Santiago. Then in 1924 Pablo Neruda gained fame around the world as a writer due to the publication of his most famous book VEINTE POEMAS DE AMOR Y UNA CANCÍON. Verses in the book are recited by a …show more content…
Neruda’s work “Tentativa del hombre infinito” in Spanish, he is able to employ a freer style and surreal imagery. He stuck with this type of surreal imagery culminated in