{Leonard Kleinrock}
{INFO290 –06}
{Leonard Kleinrock} Submitted to Dr. James E. Yao
In Partial Fulfillment for INFO 290 – Management Information Systems
Department of Management and Information Systems
School of Business
Montclair State University
Packet switching is a digital networking communications method that groups all transmitted data, regardless of content type or structure, into suitably sized blocks called packets. Packet switching is the basic technology behind the internet. Packet switching was created by a man name Leonard Kleinrock. Kleinrock, a New York native, has impacted the start of the internet. Packet switching started with his doctorial thesis, which was published into a book two years later. He says for his PhD research he established the mathematical theory of packet switching.
Kleinrock was born into a Jewish family in Manhattan on June 13 1934. Kleinrock’s interest in electrical engineering began at the age of 6 while reading a superman comic book. When the young engineer reached the centerfold he stumbled upon a paper showing him how to build a crystal radio. Struck with awe and curiosity he began t gather the material he would need to complete the task. As he collected the material he noticed that he would need to go out and buy a “variable capacitor”. After the piece was obtained and the radio was built the young boys mind was stimulated and an engineer was born.
Kleinrock spent his high school year studying at the Bronx High School of Science studying Radio Engineering. After graduating High School he was unable to afford a college educated. However determined to continue his education Kleinrock worked full time during the day while taking courses at the City College of New York. After intense course work he finished at the top of his class. He hard work paid off and won him a full graduate fellowship to MIT in the Electrical Engineering department.
Kleinrock was surrounded by
Bibliography: Leonard Kleinrock. (201, 4 6). Retrieved 3 17, 2012, from UCLA: http://www.lk.cs.ucla.edu/internet_first_words.html Leonard Kleinrock . (2010, 6 7). Retrieved 3 17, 2012, from UCLA: http://www.lk.cs.ucla.edu/personal_history.html Leonard Kleinrock. (2011, 4 23). Retrieved 3 17, 2012, from UCLA: http://www.lk.cs.ucla.edu/index.html Leonard Kleinrock. (2012, 3 1). Retrieved 3 17, 2012, from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard_Kleinrock