Problem analysis
Near the harbor of Vlissingen in the ‘kenniswerfgebied’ a project “Companies/Schoolterrain ‘Kenniswerf-oost’” is being realized. This area is a breeding and living ground of the Natterjack toad. Furthermore the Ophrys apifera (bee orchids) and Dactylorhiza praetermissa (Southern Marsh Orchid) grow here. Both orchids are protected indigenous plant species according to the Flora and Fauna law. The Natterjack toad is a protected indigenous animal species according to the same law as well as the EU-habitat guideline, animal and plants species.
On the ground of this law it is forbidden to damage, destroy, remove or disturb the nests, burrows or other breeding sites or resting or fixed habitats. It is also not allowed to pick, gather, cut, destroy or damage the orchids.
To allow the construction of this ‘kenniswerf’ a few measures has to carried out. Therefor a program of requirements has to be made which has to be used.
In this program of requirements has to contain;
- external concerned parties
- legal requirements
- environmental requirements/abiotic requirements type(s)/ecology type(s)
- structural requirements
- social requirements
Additionally a number of drawings has to be added; Top-view and transverse and longitudinal cross-sections.
The Kenniswerf is a project initiated by the municipality of Vlissingen, HZ University of Applied Sciences and the ROC Vlissingen in order to combine education and the business.
By creating the Kenniswerf, knowledge, facilities and services are combined and helping each other. The main role of the municipality is to stimulate the project and to create preconditions. The province of Zeeland wants to stimulate the economy by helping this initiative (Kenniswerf, 2012).
DOK41, Stichting ZigZag and Smart Services Boulevard want to stimulate the business in the Kenniswerf and creating opportunities for young starters. The stakeholders which have to most influence on this