
Paganism In Beowulf

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Paganism In Beowulf
Emily Wells
Instructor Bell
EDU 260
May 7, 2016
Critical Analysis Christianity and Paganism are reflected numerously within the epic poem Beowulf. These various reflections show the reader that these two belief systems hold the same views and beliefs; which aid the story along. Since Christianity and Paganism hold some of the same beliefs, it makes combining them easier. This fusion of “two or more originally different inflectional forms,” is known as syncretism (Merriam-Webster, 2015). Beowulf was an epic poem about Britain that involved numerous tribes invaded upon by a fiendish “monster.” These various tribes were considered to be somewhat Pagan, but with Christian undertones that empathized with both Pagan and Christian beliefs. Each tribe of people believed in the necessity of killing another person if they wronged you in some way, shape, or form. Based on the story, each tribe was aware of either someone or something that wanted to kill the tribe or to claim everything that they owned. Within the story of Beowulf, when there was a moment’s peace, “monsters” were created to threatened the safety they knew to possess.
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Hrothgar's throne, for instance, is a perfect example of the integration of the Christian and Pagan beliefs into the story due to his throne being protected by God. Grendel however, is a monster that lives in an underwater chamber and can be directly related to represent Cain from the Bible. Grendel resembles something evil in this story when he enters Heorot wearing “God’s anger,” (Beowulf, 2008, pg. 36). Full of “envy and hate” Grendel is described just like Cain; he despises God for his banishment because he killed

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