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Even though people do not believe they are addicted, painkillers are addicting because painkillers that are being misused are deadly and they are a hard habit to break. Many people are using and abusing painkillers which are prescription drugs and some may say that they are not and will not admit it. The effects of prescription abuse are painfully obvious and needed at the same time. Having a habit can lead to painkillers being addicted and when they are being misused there can be a drug overdose and be fatal. People use narcotics to obtain other effects since small doses tend to make the user forget his or her troubles and experience pleasant sensations, but dependence on narcotics can be fatal. ( improperly used narcotics are a hazardarous to the health of the user because such drugs cause a person to become addicted or habituated. Narcotics can be obtained legally only with a prescription for medicine or with a license for manufacture of medicines. We have to be aware of the different types of narcotics that can be used or mixed to get high. When using drugs it can lead to all types of other problems. Some drugs that contain narcotics can become additive especially if they are used in a manner inconsistent with their directions or for reasons they were not prescribed. The different types of painkillers are Percocet, Vicodin, Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Methadone, OxyContin, and Lortab. There is the Duragesic Skin Patch which is call the Fentanyl drug is on the rise in prescription drug addictions. All of the drugs listed can cause overdose deaths. The problems caused by painkillers are vomiting, nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, drowsiness, weakness, itching, and confusion and more serious is respiratory depression that slows the rate of breathing, coma brain damage and death. How and when can you tell someone may be abusing the pain medicine? Talking about preventing the drug
Links: a Fourth Painkiller To an Increase in Heart Problems." New York Times 21 Dec. 2004: A1 (L). Academic OneFile. Web. 20 Feb. 2010. Prescription Drug Abuse and Addiction, (2009) Prescription Drug Rehab, www.perscription- (2009)