The technology that we invented in order to make our lives easier might in fact turn our lives for the worst. In Pain won’t kill you by Jonathan Franzen, he talks about our social life which is revolving around technology rather than the society itself. In every moment of our lives the advance of technology is thriving and expanding exponentially. We humans cannot do anything but get greedy and try to get our hands on everything possible. The act of socializing with the people around us has disappeared and the new gadgets have taken over. People are becoming narcissistic and self-absorbing because of the newly created technology that is being pushed by society.
In our current society, everyone is looking for …show more content…
Franzen talks about liking vs. loving and he gives couple examples of his own. He talks about the bird-watching that he loved to do and how getting so attached to something makes you “either straight-up accept or flat-out reject.” It’s a long process to fall in love with something but one has to go through the phase of liking it first. Because one gets so attached and falls in love with it, they tend to favor what they love and start to have biased thoughts toward it. They become so blinded by it that “it changes your relation to the world.” By the end of the story he talks to the people who were killing birds and eventually found out that even those people are nice. Even though they had different opinions on their belief the people themselves were different. By using this example, he portrays the human’s natural greediness and self-absorbedness. At first people only look at what is in front of them; they never tend to look at the big picture and include other factors in. Franzen thought of these people as “wrecking the environment” but when he got to know them they were “outright loved.” Just like this, the humans of today’s society bias everything to their likes and dislikes. They do not even consider to think about the other party and see the picture as a