Jareema Moore
Art 1100 B March 4, 2017
Fertility Figures are thought to be icons and may have been used for security and success. Another theory is that the fertility figures may have been goddesses. Some of the earliest figures are found in the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages. The Paleolithic era is speculated to have occurred 2 million years ago, and is believed to end around 10,000 years back. The Paleolithic is age is often referred to as the stone age. The Neolithic era started in 10,000 BC in the middle east and is often referred to as the New Stone Age. Some of the earliest fertility figures are Venus of Hohle Fels, Venus Of Willendorf, Akua …show more content…
Women who are hoping to produce children often carry the Akuaba doll in their clothing. It is carried throughout pregnancy and is used to protect the child from defects and even “ugliness in a child”. Throughout a woman’s pregnancy while carrying the Akuaba doll she cannot look at someone who is physically unattractive, it is a belief that the unattractive person features can be passed down to the child. When the mother has her child, the doll is worshipped or passed down to her child. The Akuaba dolls are mostly carved from wood. The Akuaba doll has a long circular head and small eyes. On her cheeks are three lines that represent tribal scarification. Scarification involves carving out the flesh so it is permeant on the body. The chest and stomach are more marks. The figure can be seen at …show more content…
It is made from a fired clay sculpture and 4.4 inches. She has a bland face there are no features. Identical to the other fertility figures she has large breast. She has wide hips and huge buttocks. On the fertility figure head, there are four holes. Another fertility figure, The Venus of Laussel. Different from others the Venus of Laussel is bas-relief. A bas-relief is a sculpture in which shapes are carved so that they are higher than a flat surface background. The fertility figure is 17.5 inches and was made from red-ochre. The hips, breasts and buttocks are noticeable. Unlike other figures the Venus of Laussel hands are given more detail. The figure hands are on her belly and she holds an object in her fingers. Similarly, to the Venus of Dolni Vestonice she has no facial features. In conclusion, there are many figures created in the pre-historic era. There are many more figures. What I learned to appreciate about these figures are that they defy the modern-day beauty standards. Unlike, current time where the thin body is preferred the figure show the more curvy side and also a much more realistic side of a woman’s body. Given, the fact that as you have a child you put on weight and as I spend my time on social media daily there is this new trend of wanting to lose weight after given birth. I can’t help but to think that is extremely insane for this to be