
Paleolithic vs Neolithic Cc

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Paleolithic vs Neolithic Cc
Human existence has lasted over several million years and in that time there has been countless advances in the way we live. Human history has had many diverse periods of time, one being the Stone Age. During the Stone Age there were two major subdivisions, the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods. The Paleolithic, which lasted until about 10,000 years ago, had a significant separating factor from the Neolithic, ending in 2000 B.C.E. This factor was the way in which the people in these periods acquired food. The Paleolithic people hunted and gathered their food while the Neolithic people produced their own food by agriculture. These two different styles of obtaining food greatly affected the lifestyles of each period’s people. The political, economical, and social lives of the two periods differed from each other. From a political view both periods did not have a very advanced political system, only organized by small to groups involving kinship. The Neolithic age had a more advanced economical system including trade and agriculture along with specialized farming tools. On the other hand the Paleolithic people hunted and gathered their food with simple stone tools with no trade. The foragers had more of a social life being gathers and hunters, allowing time for art and toolmaking. The Neolithic farmers had less social time than the foragers, spending it making tools, building structures and creating containers for the harvest. They both had individualized jobs for the males and females of the communities. In both the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods, there were not complex systems of politics.
The Paleolithic people lived in small roaming groups that followed the migration of animals. They had small communities that never settled down and probably had chieftains for each group. Neolithic farmers had a slightly more advanced system. They settled down in small villages that grew as the population increased. The discovery that both periods

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