record of unfair treatment had been recorded. The first son was the son of honor and when the father passed the first son was to become the head of the family, it is commonly believed that Jesus father, Joseph, died while Christ was relatively young one can only assume that at a young age Christ had this responsibility. Political power during this time was ruled by Rome but the Greek influence still existed and even the Romans utilized this culture and language in their lives.
We read of many of the rulers of this period but two stand out Herod and Pilate, Herod was a very untrusting and murderous king even to the point of killing his wife. Pilate was a very weak individual and leader. Both of these men played roles in the birth and death of Christ and were placed in their positions at the time God had appointed for them the roles that would fulfill his purpose. The Roman rule continued to allow the people to observe their annual feast and Synagogues were utilized by the
people. The roll of the Scribes had expanded in this time period, the influential religious parties were the Sadducees and the Pharisees. These two influential parties differed on almost all their beliefs, these made up the Senate or the Sanhedrin court. The Jewish religion had become more about show than obedience without a prophetic voice for some years. The true worship and following of the law had become a mere shadow of its foundation and principles. At this point the people were needing a savior and the time for Christ arrival had come.