2.3.1 The Effect of O. lybicus Population on Palms Temperature Over Time
Temperature differences between different O. lybicus population levels were not significant in leaves and fronds (P > 0.05). However, high significance difference in temperature were occurred over time (P < 0.001) in both parts Figure 1 and 2. The temperature at the highest population (1000 insects) were the highest at the first three weeks, before it starts declining gradually (figures 14-15).
Chlorophyll measurements by SPAD readings showed no significant differences between the different O. lybicus population levels, but high significant changes in temperature occurred overtime (P < 0.001) (Figure 16).
Honey dew droplets had a slight negative relation with chlorophyll loss in weeks 1, 2, and 6 figure 5, 6 and7. However, the honeydew droplets had a moderate positive relation with the number of laid eggs on leaves and fronds in the ninth week Figures 8, 9 and 19. Plant biomass had a weak negative relation with the honeydew droplets in week 11 and over all weeks (Figures 17-24). …show more content…
lybicus and the different O. lybicus population levels in weeks 2, 3, 4 and 5.The highest honeydew droplets secreted when the population were at 300 insects. However, the total number of droplets after eleven months were not significant in all O. lybicus population levels (Figures 25-28).
The amount of laid eggs by O. lybicus in the four population levels was not significant P > 0.05 (Table 1). Plant biomass of leaves had a weak relation with the number of laid eggs. A weak negative relation between the laid eggs and the fresh weight of plant biomass in the fronds and the whole plants (Figures 29-33).
Table 1: Eggs laid by O. lybicus in different treatments
Starting population of nymphs (1st and 2nd instar) Number of O. lybicus eggs Fronds Leaves Total
100 1455 359