What exactly is sexism? According to Merriam-Webster.com, Sexism is prejudice or discrimination based on sex; especially discrimination against women. The sources behind this oppression are commonly women scholars, Womanism, Feminism, and Feminist-Christians. I believe …show more content…
Lightseys’ book Our Lives Matter, I have come to an idea of the Christian Church she envisions. Since Lightsey is worried about the consciousness of the oppressed that that continuously cry out against the odious sin of discrimination, (Lightsey, 62) I imagine the first step in her church would be for those dealing with consciousness and giving her members hope and faith in a better life. Lightsey also brings to light the statistics proving that Black LBTQ women live with more danger from being black, and female and lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or queer. (Lightsey, 65) This gives me the guidance that she would aspire to have a church that accepts those who are not accepted in a traditional Christian Church. I also believe that her church would be for those that were against bitterness of the