a. Acquisition of a leading schnapps brand and associated facilities. b. Market expansion eastward. c. Development and rollout of snack foods. d. Market expansion southward. e. Networked, computer-based inventory control system for warehouses. f. Development and introduction of artificially sweetened yogurt. g. A new plant. h. Expansion of a plant. i. Plant automation and conveyor systems. j. Replacement and expansion of truck fleet. k. Effluent water treatment (since the water-treatment equipment could be purchased today for ECU4 million; and it is speculated that the same equipment would cost ECU10 million in four years when immediate conversion became mandatory.)
2. The non financial aspects that we have to consider in project selection, in addition to financial aspect, are strategic, technical, commercial, political, social, environmental, organizational, human resource and management .Some of the factors that might invalidate the strategic financial analysis using NPV may include:
a. Amount of risk associated with each of the projects. b. Availability of competent infrastructure and resources for a