The Thracian lands were located in the Eastern part of the Balkan peninsula. Thrace was located on today's Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece. A diverse variety of events occurred: the campaigns of Achaemenid Persia, the conquests of the Scythes and the short reign of Macedonians and Celts. These events left long-term traces in the history of Eastern Europe. During that time, the Thracian kingdoms appeared on the political map of the Balkan peninsula. Most notably, the Thracians consisted of Odrysians, the Getae tribe and the
The Thracian lands were located in the Eastern part of the Balkan peninsula. Thrace was located on today's Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece. A diverse variety of events occurred: the campaigns of Achaemenid Persia, the conquests of the Scythes and the short reign of Macedonians and Celts. These events left long-term traces in the history of Eastern Europe. During that time, the Thracian kingdoms appeared on the political map of the Balkan peninsula. Most notably, the Thracians consisted of Odrysians, the Getae tribe and the