Panama has a population of 2.77 million people. The population mainly consists of mestizo, white, and West Indian blacks. The four largest cities in Panama are Panama City, San Miguelito, Colón, and David. The Panama Canal was opened on August 14, 1914. Panama signed treaty with the United States giving rights to control an area of the canal that is ten miles wide and fifty miles long. The Canal Zone played an important role in trade for most of the 20th century. The Canal was transferred to Panama on December 31, 1999. Panama is economically and politically dependent on the United States. Education in Panama started in 1903. Primary and Secondary education flourished in the 20th Century. Panama now has one of the highest literacy rates in Central America (Education …show more content…
Protestantism and Islam are other common religions. Panama is about the size of South Carolina. Simple cotton garments, homemade sandals, and hand-woven straw hats are traditional clothing styles in Panama. Baseball is the most popular sport. Rod Carew, born in Panama, was inducted in The Baseball Hall of Fame. Several Panamanians have played in the Major League Baseball in North America. Boxing, swimming, fishing, hunting, and horseback riding are common sports. Bull fighting is entertainment to the people of Panama (Panamanians 1). Carnival is a holiday celebrated in Panama. It is celebrated four days before Ash Wednesday in February. People dress up in costumes, listen to music, dance, and attend a Mardi Gras parade to celebrate. It comes to an end at dawn on Ash Wednesday with a mock ceremony called "Burial of the Sardine." Holy Week is celebrated in late March or early April. They dress up in costumes, dance, and perform drama to celebrate. November 3rd and 28th commemorate Panama's independence from Colombia and Spain (Panamanians: Major Holidays