In 1987 Panama’s political system was unable to respond to the problems confronting the nation. The FDP and their commander, General Manuel Antonio Noriega Moreno, produced economic disruption and the appearance of political instability. Juan Carlos Varela, is Panama’s current president. Panama is a presidential representative democratic republic. Panama’s country has three branches of government Executive, Judicial, and Legislative.
What type of government does Panama have? Panama is a presidential representative democratic republic where the President of Panama is both head of the state and the head of government. Panama has a constitutional representative democratic system that has a government. Panama’s government has three arms the Executive, Judicial, and the Legislative branch. Constitutional representative democratic system means government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives. Panama’s executive branch includes a president and and two vice presidents. Their legislative branch consists of a 72-member unicameral Legislative Assembly. Their judicial branch is organized under …show more content…
Panama inherited the traditional political parties of Colombia, the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party. Which fought against one another from 1903 until the 1920s. This proved to be an unnatural party alignment. Political parties in Panama are arranged in a multi-party system, with a large number if similarly sized parties.The first party to register after political parties were legalized in late 1978 was the PRD. The Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) was established by Omar Torrijos in 1979, it is currently holding 17 of the 71 seats in National Assembly. The party has recently begun the process of updating their internal structure. Panameñista Party (PP) is the oldest party that is still operating Panamanian politics, the