Lillian Cromin
SUO AHS 1001
Dr. Lee
Patient Pancreatitis Medical Report
Patient Name:
Patient D.O.B:
Today’s Date:
Patients present Illnesses: This patient has current conditions and past illnesses of Cystic Fibrosis, Gallstones, pancreas divisum, Hypertension, Rheumatoid Arthritis, history of high triglyceride levels, and also has been diagnosed with Hypertriglyceridemia and a history of Acute Pancreatitis. At an early age she also was diagnosed with pancreas divisum. She has not had any complication with this defect. She has also been prescribed Azathioprine for having Rheumatoid Arthritis for the last two years ago. She does have a history of alcohol abuse. She is currently taking medication called Furosemide (or Lasix) for her hypertension (high blood pressure). To remove the Gallstones she was administered ERCP, with this being administered the doctor determined that this patient had pancreatic pseudocyst. The Physician order a treatment for pseudocyst this included an endoscopic. This assisted drainage using an endoscope
Symptoms: Patient came to the ER complaining that she was having pain in the upper left portion of her abdomen. She stated that the pain seems to travel around to her back at times. The pain worsens when she eats a meal. She also has other symptoms nausea, chills, fevers, some confusion, and trouble concentrating.
Examination Report: The 43 year old woman is obese, running a fever of 102.7 and pain in the abdomen area, we proceeded to do tests. What we found was she had elevated level of Lipids. Also found that she had too much calcium in her blood to give a diagnosis of acute hyperlipidemia, cystic fibrosis and a history of acute pancreatitis. We took more blood test and what was revealed was that the insulin levels in her blood were decreased and the amylases were also slightly elevated with lipase concentrations. With all of the patient’s symptoms and our testing we are lead to