My music selection is public because I don't see the need to make my music selection private. My music selection can be open to others because it doesn't hold any vital information or private information on my account. I use the free version of pandora so it doesn't have any of my credit card numbers, therefore I don't mind having my station open for others to use or view.
2. How could someone use this information unethically?
Someone could use this information unethically by stealing someone's account and making it their own. For example if someone were to pay for their pandora account, and another person were to hack into their account without permission that's unethical for hacking into their account and also if they were to pay for their pandora that hacker is using their account and not willing to pay then that's stealing.
3. Do you see this as a threat for Pandora?
I don't see this as a threat to Pandora because of the fact that it's only music. Pandora doesn't hold any vital information unless the person subscribes to pandora, then they will need to make their account private.
4. Do you think customers will stop using the service?
No. I do not think that Pandora will stop using the service because they are still able to listen to their music free. To me there isn't a lot of hackers in this type of business because they can set up their own account to their email. Pandora is open to anyone that has an email address.
5. What can Pandora do to ensure customer privacy?
To ensure customer privacy Pandora can ensue a harder privacy policy that makes all of their subscribers become private. Also, they can have more security questions as well as usernames instead of email addresses. Many usernames go unhacked because they are hard to make and go into. Pandora needs to re do their privacy policy and make all of their customers become