CS - 315
Project Guided By: Prof. Arnab Bhattacharya Presented: 2008 – 09 Semester - II
1. Introduction a. Motivation b. Scope / Feasibility c. Functionality 2. Implementation a. Referential - Diagram b. Schemas and Data Dictionary c. Data Flow d. Session - Management 3. Performance Analysis 4. External Interface Requirements 5. Notes and suggested future work 6. Acknowledgement
This project aims at development of an Online Railway Reservation Utility which facilitates the Railway customers to manage their reservations online, and the Railway administrators to modify the backend databases in a User-Friendly manner. The Customers are required to register on the server for getting access to the database and query result retrieval. Upon registration, each user has an account which is essentially the ‘view level’ for the customer. The account contains comprehensive information of the user entered during registration and permits the customer to get access to his past reservations, enquire about travel fare and availability of seats, make afresh reservations, update his account details, etc. The Railway Administrator is the second party in the transactions. The administrator is required to login using a master password, once authenticated as an administrator, one has access and right of modification to all the information stored in the database at the server. This includes the account information of the customers, attributes and statistics of stations, description of the train stoppages and physical description of coaches, all the reservations that have been made, etc. The railway administrator has the right to modify any information stored at the server database.
This project is dedicated to model the existing Railway/(other) reservation systems provide a comprehensive set of features to enhance