Christopher Myers October 20, 2014
Purification of Judaism and Hinduism
Judaism and Hinduism have different cultures and originate from different ends of the spectrum of religious development. The origin of Judaism is characterized by a dramatic break with the near Eastern religious tradition comprising of the unity of God, man, and the cosmos while Hinduism on the other hand, characterized by “pantheism” as the main motif in its religious outlook (Ridgeon, Lloyd). While the religion of Israel is very broad with different cultures, it is aimed at a radical separation of the creator and its creatures. Since the concept of the union of God and man is a mystery, there have been different mythologies about the creator …show more content…
For instance, the Torah defines the principles and codes of conduct that every person must follow. The Torah declares different kinds of animals have principally impure and forbidden as food. Such animals or foods must be avoided as they are impure and cannot be purified. Another belief is that a human being flawed with a disease like leprosy is not allowed to undergo a purification ritual. However, such other impurities are temporary, occurring casually. These can be purified, but by a way of performing ritual. Impurities take different ways. One can be polluted in various different ways depending on the type of impurity. Therefore, pollutants constitute all kinds of liquids, coming out of a female, or a male body, blood, pus mucus and …show more content…
The best kind being a flowing water or water collected in a basin situated deep in a special building. The process involves some established procedures. First, the “polluted” person must first clean him/herself with water. Having cleansed oneself first outside, one then has to immerse, from toe to top. Collected water in a basin is referred as the “Miqveh” in Jewish culture. It is also used for the purification of utensils, dishes and the general kitchen households in order to make suitable for use in a Jewish household. This is the traditional Jewish culture, even though today such cultures and not followed to the extremes. However, some exist and are being observed even today. For instance, total immersion in the valid water of a Miqveh is and will certainly remain a general imperative condition for a convert of the Jewish