TA’s name: ______________________ Office location: ______________________
E-mail: ______________________ Office hours: ______________________
Lab Supervisor: Irmgard Lukanik (for problems that cannot be resolved with the TA)
E-mail: ilukanik@usf.edu
Office: ISA 3004
Introduction and Objectives –
This course is a hands-on introduction to biodiversity. You will become familiar with evolutionary theory and the scientific classification scheme and accumulate practice in identifying and classifying organisms. It is imperative that you keep up with the work on a weekly basis and be prepared for class. Each week, you will be required to read the assigned modules (accessible on Blackboard under BSC2011L.allS13 in your course list) and complete an online quiz/competency check before coming to lab in preparation for the hands-on exercises. Quizzes will be posted at least one week prior to each lab. You will have one attempt ONLY to complete each quiz. The scores will be counted as part of your participation grade, with each quiz worth 15 points. This lab is SELF-DIRECTED. Your TA is here to guide you through a discovery process, not tell you what to memorize. You will only earn an A if you take the initiative to understand the concepts. Your TA will hold regular office hours in order to answer any questions that you may have.
Attendance and Make-Up Policy –
You are required to attend every lab exercise and to arrive on time. Absences will be excused for documented emergencies ONLY. Documentation may include a doctor’s note (for an illness, not routine care), summons for jury duty, funeral record or similar personalized documentation. Lab absences due to inclement weather, unless classes are canceled as a result of University closure, do not represent extenuating circumstances.
Note: Documentation for illness may be