. Marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug. Nearly one in three teenagers have at least tried marijuana by the time they graduate high school. It is also gets the most publicity for its legalization.
We are in a new era. Meaning the use pot has become more supported and its becoming more convienet for those who have medical health issue, to help cure their symptoms or at least lessen the effect. I feel as though marijuana should be passed as legal in the US it would cut out a lot of the drug trafficking and eradicate most to all drug dealers. Passing the law has its pros and cons. This argument is the prime example of Status Quo Bias, the conservatives are the ones who think that passing that passing the bill. They almost want no change at all.
While the public opinion of marijuana has steadily gained more approval throughout the years, the government opinion has increasingly become stricter, especially with regards to drug laws. The United States of America has recently had to reanalyze its stance on the matter due to many new medical studies, approval of marijuana in some states, such as California, Washington and Colorado the repercussions given to the people convicted from the use of it. Legalizing marijuana in the United States can promote utilitarianism for the greater good. Political parties have argued various pros and cons of legalizing marijuana in the United States. I believe that by legalizing marijuana you can actually produce the best results, thus affecting the greatest number of people. Legalizing marijuana would allow the government to control the substance, just as they control tobacco and alcohol. If the government controls the retail market of marijuana use and the distribution it can dictate the negative outcomes that are a direct result from keeping marijuana illegal. Legalizing marijuana has many benefits;