E-ISSN2249 – 8974
Research Article
A. Ganguly1 *, S. Sar2
Address for Correspondence
B.E., Seventh Semester, Electronics & Telecommunication Department, B.I.T.Durg (C.G.)
Professor, Department of Engineering Chemistry, B.I.T. Durg (C.G.)
This paper gives a thorough insight on this relatively revolutionizing and satisfying solution of energy storage through Paper
Batteries and provides an in-depth analysis of the same. A paper battery is a flexible, ultra-thin energy storage and production device formed by combining carbon nanotubes with a conventional sheet of cellulose-based paper. A paper battery can function both as a high-energy battery and super capacitor , combining two discrete components that are separate in traditional electronics . This combination allows the battery to provide both long-term steady power production as well as bursts of energy. Being Biodegradable, Light-weight and Non-toxic, flexible paper batteries have potential adaptability to power the next generation of electronics, medical devices and hybrid vehicles, allowing for radical new designs and medical technologies. The paper is aimed at understanding & analyzing the properties and characteristics of Paper Batteries; to study its advantages, potential applications, limitations and disadvantages. This paper also aims at highlighting the construction and various methods of production of Paper Battery and look for alternative means of mass-production.
KEYWORDS: Carbon, Nanotubes , Cellulose , Paper Battery
1.1 Need
The basic problems associated with the present
Electro-Chemical batteries are: (1) Limited LifeTime: Primary batteries irreversibly (within limits of practicality) transform chemical energy to electrical energy. Secondary batteries can be recharged; that is, they can have their chemical
References: Academy of Science USA 104, 13574-13577, 2007.. same. Being Biodegradable, Light-weight and NonNatl. Acad. Sci.U.S.A. 2009, 106, 21490–21494. electronics, medical devices and hybrid vehicles, August 14, 2007 IJAERS/Vol. I/ Issue I/October-December, 2011/130-133