To construct a free span paper bridge that is capable of supporting a number of weights. The best score is achieved by total weight supported.
The bridge must be constructed from only paper and tape. Standard 4 pieces A4 paper size up to 80 GSM only can be used. The bridge span must be the A4 paper width.
Glue can be used to join the members; for example, along the seam of a tubular member or at a point where two or more members come together.
The sheet of paper may be cut into pieces and re-assembled as desired. Parts may be rolled, folded, or slit.
The total weight of the bridge must not exceed the weight of 4 pieces A4 80 GSM paper.
When in use, the bridge ends must be laid freely on the support. 20mm at both ends must be free from any features; this is for the bridge support. A square platform size 40mmx40mm must be provided for weight loads.
Each bridge will be inspected for materials used in the construction and for the use of glue. It will be weighted as well.
Once the bridge is qualified, the length of the bridge will be measured. Fail to follow the rules will lead to the disqualification, and the group will score 0 for competition mark.
After the length measurement is taken, the students will begin to stack the load (range of 0.1N, 0.5N, 1.0N, 5.0N weighted) on its load point. A student must add a load platform size 40mm x 40mm minimum that will be placed horizontally on the top of the bridge in order to support the load. It can be made of paper board or similar material.
The loads are to be added one at a time, each can going on top of the previous load, until the bridge is crushed, or no longer capable of supporting the load. The total weight is considered up to the previous load added before collapsed.
Scoring of the competition:
The length will be