Polycrates ruled over the Greek island Samos, situated just off the Asian coast, from the years 538BC-522BC. He began his rise to power in 538BC when him and his 2 brothers Pantagnostus, and Syloson executed a sudden, illegal overthrow of the current ruler. Supported by citizens under Polycrates, Pantagnostus, and Syloson that could afford armour recaptured Samos from the Achaemenid empire. But Polycrates was not content with ruling with others, not even his own brothers, so during a festival celebrating the Greek goddess Hera, he had Pantagnostus executed and Syloson exiled from Samos, who then relocated to Persia. From that moment on, Polycrates was the sole tyrant of his land. Though he had eliminated his two brothers from power, he is considered a popular ruler and did not have to change Samos’ constitution to successfully rule the land. But members loyal to the old aristocracy left Samos voluntarily or were exiled after his reign began as they were unhappy with how he came to power and the way he was ruling. One of these members, Pythagoras, is a Greek philosopher famous to this day.…