The Founding Fathers separated church and state while explicitly declaring that our rights come from our creator. This cannot be overlooked our forefathers wanted God and Biblical values to be part of our existence and way of life. Make no mistake the very Christian values and rights of Americans are under attack. It usually starts with a small sample of Americans who actually believe that by Christians exercising their God given rights are somehow in their minds affronting them. This leads to a dispute and the Christian ends up conceding some or all of his or her rights in the name of political correctness. You see the same thing in the freedom of speech arena. A common sense right that our Forefathers deemed important is bastardized to mean anyone can say anything no matter how disruptive, vulgar, destructive. Yet a Christian Chaplin’s are commanded not to and punished if they use Jesus name in a Christian prayer! I believe that this happens in part because Christian Americans are often non-confrontational until it’s too late. This leads to a right or value lost that we won’t get back. …show more content…
In most cases this for the amusement of a few seeking to strip us of our rights in the name of political