During his sermon Jonathan Edwards used vivid imagery and descriptions to make his congregation see that hell was a real place. To make the congregation see just how close to hell they truly were Edwards stated, “That world of misery, that lake of burning brimstone is extended aboard under you (Cox).” He also wanted them to realize that the longer they went without Christ, the heavier they would become. “Your wickedness makes you as it were heavy as lead, and to tend downward with great weight and pressure toward hell (Westerfield).” The ground beneath them would give way under the weight of their wickedness and they would plunge into hell where the Devil would be ready for them. “The Devil is waiting for them, hell is gaping, for them, the flames gather and flash about them and would fain lay hold on them, and swallow them up (Smolinski 11).”…
First, the author uses imagery to vividly explain the sufferable experience sinners will have in hell. For instance in the ninth paragraph Jonathan Edwards coldly states, " When you look forward, you shall see a long for ever, a boundless duration before you, which will swallow up your thoughts, and amaze your soul , and you will absolutely despair of ever having any deliverance,…
Through the use of imagery and classical appeal of pathos, Jonathan Edwards effectively injects fear into his congregation of their destined fate. "The devils watch them; they are ever by them at their right hand; they stand waiting for them, like greedy hungry lions that see their prey, and expect to have it, but are for the present kept back" (Paragraph 11). The use of vivid imagery instills fear into Edward's congregation. Edwards appeals to pathos through this descriptive simile as he describes the devils like hungry lions, waiting for God's command to consume humankind. Edwards states: "The wrath of God burns against them, their damnation does not slumber; the pit is prepared, the fire is made ready, the furnace is now hot, ready to receive them; the flames do now rage and glow" (Paragraph 10). Pathos is present as he descriptively characterizes hell and the pit in great detail. The audience is terrified by the reality of his words and are driven out of fear to listen to what he is saying. Jonathan Edwards compares this banishment and pit to a snake: "The old serpent is gaping for them; hell opens its mouth wide to receive them; and if God should permit it, they would he hastily swallowed up and lost" (Paragraph 11). The description of the serpent evokes despair through the congregation. The…
As the hero’s journey comes near to an end every character must cross the return threshold. Both Satan in Paradise lost and Winston in Nineteen Eighty-Four manage to sabotage their own fate into the wasteland. Satan crosses the return threshold when he sabotages Eve after he ruined his own chances as God’s most highest Arcangel. During this endeavour satan finally succumbs to the shadow, which according to Carl Jung resides as the dark side of one’s inner personality. Through Satan’s malicious transgressions, God punishes him and the fallen angels in the permanent form of a serpent, while granting a chance of salvation to humanity who Satan cast potential damnation on.…
While Satan’s humane emotions were demonstrated earlier in the narrative, his soliloquy further explicates the complexity of his thoughts. Throughout the first few books, Satan does not demonstrate any vulnerabilities. He is glorified as an obstinate and prideful Spirit who surpasses all others in Hell and who knows exactly what he yearns. Though Satan’s abilities are of no question, this one-sided view of Satan – that he is a competent and powerful devil – appears lacking; therefore, the demonstration of Satan’s vulnerability in his soliloquy is a progression in his character development. Satan finally senses “horror and doubt,” and is drenched in grief by his “remembrance from what state [he] fell” (4:17, 38-39). This is the first time Satan is described to have self-doubt, and specifically, in…
Hell is a location where its inmates will be punished without any hope of relief, for eternity. Among those punished will be Satan,…
Dante, the pilgrim, experienced Hell and as he reached the bottom of Hell, he experienced something completely different opposed to what readers would have expected. Dante Alighiere’s depiction of Satan once he reaches the bottom of Hell reveals the theme, that in Hell the punishment is always befitting of the sin. As Dante and his tour guide, Virgil, arrive at the last circle, Satan is described to have, “three faces on his head...underneath each came forth two mighty wings...at every mouth he with his teeth was crunching at sinner,” (Canto 34). The illustration of Satan does not satisfy the typical reader; the reader expects to be able to visualize Satan in a more depth illusion, showing how furious he must be after the punishment he has received, of having to be placed in Hell, being frozen; the irony of the Hell described by Dante is that the reader would have expected for Satan to be located where it would be extremely hot, and for there to be uncontrollable fire, not for it to be frozen. At the bottom of the slope, Satan is placed from his mid-breast forth issued from the ice, and as night approaches everything is opposite which is why they must climb down Satan’s leg. Dante was surprised as he reached Satan to see how frozen and powerless he became in circle 9. The ultimate evil is represented in this way by Dante, because Dante wants to show the reader how Satan, and…
As of today’s time era when people think of a description of hell and Satan first thing that may come to mind is usually a person in all red, horns on their head, bull like figure, a tail, and surrounded by fire. In church some may have been taught that satan has a “lake of fire” that is wear sinners that didn’t obey god and his ten commandments and that are not baptized go. In Dante’s Inferno as Dante approaches the ninth circle he see’s the heads of sinners in the ground, feels a breeze of a cold rapid wind of…
Satan places his pride first and resists obedience to God, thereby taking the alternative that is also available to human beings. But by persisting in his perversion of free will, Satan's sin expands and develops consequences for the human race. His resistance amounts to a claim of autonomy--total self-creation--which, as Milton's readers…
Robert Herrick, an English poet, once said, “Hell is no other but a soundlesse pit, where no one beame of comfort peeps in it.” Picture any type of Hell with relief, happiness, or even the smallest crack of a smile. There is no place. In fact, one can only think of the complete opposite, whether it is a Hell filled with neglect, pain, disgust, or a never-ending life of horror. This is the place created by Dante Alighieri; The Inferno is exactly the type of Hell where no person would want to be. Even those who acted upon the lightest of sins suffered greatly. While each realm contained a different sinner, the punishment that each were forced to face was cruel, repulsive, and sometimes rather disgusting. Through grieving tears without an exit, unbearably itchy scabs, and a putrid, slushy ground, Dante uses vivid imagery to describe the various realms of Hell.…
The initial structure of hell opens with the Antinferno where the angels are punished because in the battle between God and Lucifer they remained neutral; with them the slothful are also punished, they are those people who during their lives have never stood on the side of good or bad.…
Torture by separation” (8). This can be related to how a Christian, who has been sent to hell, would be separated from god, their one, true love. Lastly, although this may have been hard to pick up on, it is possible to see the connection between the fiery Christian hell and the hot, steamy room that No Exit was placed in. Garcin would constantly attempt to take his coat off due to the extreme heat and once exclaimed “Whew! How hot is it here……
As Dante reaches the end of his journey through the nine circles of Hell, we are presented with the image of Lucifer. Once the most beautiful of God’s angels, this wretched emperor resides at the very bottom of Hell as punishment for his rebellion against God. Dante’s ironic representation of Lucifer in the Inferno portrays this notorious biblical figure as a joke in comparison to traditional interpretations. Ultimately, this leads to a questionable climax in Dante’s journey due to the unorthodox qualities and attributes expressed by Lucifer.…
narrator.The second thing that is connected to hell is the narrator's chamber. I believe that the chamber is the hell itself. This is because of it's eery and ominous presence. The third thing that symbolizes hell is the door. In the poem Poe wrote, "Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door— Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door". I believe that the door signifies the portal to the 9 circles of hell. In a book called Dante's Inferno there were nine places to punish people based on what they did on earth. There are three major circles that are connected to Poe himself. The three circles are the Circle of Lust, Circle of Gluttony, and Violence which is also connected to suicide. The…
There is one question that lingers in the back of everyone’s mind, and that is what happens after someone died? Authors Dante Alighieri, who wrote “The Inferno” and John Milton, wrote the “Temptation of Eve” were both writing about things that could not be explored by living people. Dante’s main character, the poet, is also his alter ego, so it is a first person perspective of him. Milton’s main character, Eve, is from the bible from the story of Adam and Eve and in the Garden of Eden. The plot of the inferno is The Poet goes on a journey through hell with assistance from the spirit Virgil, and the plot of the “Temptation of Eve” is Satan tempts Eve to east the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Through comparable themes, the Motif of Sin, and Characterization, Alighieri’s The Inferno and Milton’s The Temptation of Eve explore uncharted…