hold person against their will. However, if prostitution is legal, the amount of money charged for sex goes down and pimps don’t have enough money to hold people against their will (Reisenwitz, “Walking the Red”). In a survey conducted in five different countries, 90% of prostitutes asked said they wanted to find a way out of prostitution immediately after starting (Post). Laws against human trafficking will become almost obsolete as there will be little need fore human trafficking (Reisenwitz, “Walking the Red”). Laws against prostitution only hurt prostitutes and contribute to the danger associated with it. If prostitution is legalized, women that rely on it to make a living won’t have to worry about being harassed by police when they report abuse. This will force clients to use condoms properly, reducing the spread of STDs. Violence against prostitutes will decrease if the perpetrators know they can be reported to the police, which is why violence against sex workers in Germany decreased when prostitution was legalized (Reisenwitz, “Walking the Red”). While legalizing prostitution will virtually erase dangers to sex workers, it will also make them safer by giving them access to better living conditions and rights.
Many people that go in to prostitution willing are doing so to basically pay for their food, so taking away their rights because they’re trying to make a living isn’t fair (Post). Legalizing prostitution increase the overall health of sex workers, as is evident in Germany’s Red Light District (Reisenwitz, “Walking the Red”). It would also directly eliminate the 30% of abuse that comes from police and indirectly eliminate the rest under the threat of imprisonment (Reisenwitz, “Why it’s Time”) Laws legalizing prostitution would do more to improve the health and safety conditions of sex workers than laws banning it. Anybody who argues prostitution should be banned to protect women either doesn’t understand this or has ulterior motives for banning prostitution (such as beliefs: Women are sacred, so men can go eff themselves-figuratively AND literally). In reality, decriminalizing prostitution actually reduces danger and forced prostitution and improves the living conditions of sex