
Paragraph On 9/11

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Paragraph On 9/11
Muhammad Hakeem a man who lived with his brothers and his mother, Muhammad’s father left him when he was 4 so he really didn’t know what his father looked like.One day Muhammad went to the airport trying to go to Israel to visit his family. His flight was at 5:30. He was running late because of the traffic on the highway. He finally got to valet parking and ran into the airport trying to check in as fast as he can. He checked in and gave them his luggage. He was going to security, then he forgot to take his belt off, Then the buzzer went off. The security guards took him into another room to check him and his bags.When he was checked clear he went on. He was so lucky because his flight was delayed 30 minutes. So he did not have to rush to his gate to try to make his flight. Muhammad had to go to the bathroom which was right by his gate. As he was he walking out of the bathroom a strange man walked up and asked for a favor. He asked Mohammed if he could hold his bag while he goes to the bathroom. Of course Muhammed would do it because he is a nice person. …show more content…
He waited and waited, all these other people were going in and coming out and Muhammad never saw him come out so Muhammad went into the bathroom looking for the man. He could not find him so he walked out of the bathroom with the package still in his hands. While still looking at his gate, He was still looking for the man. Then his plane started to board. So he was in a debate with himself if he should leave the package or take it with him.He has decided to take it with him. So when boarding the plane, everything went perfect. Had a perfect flight and he was excited to see his family. When getting off the plane he noticed a group of police officers waiting at the gate. He was thinking that wow someone must have done something wrong. But what he didn’t know that they were there for

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