“A lawyer shall not reveal information relating to the representation of a client unless the client gives informed consent.” a fact from lawyerist.com. A paralegal must respect and understand the confidential conversations. Communication must be confidential even between a paralegal and any client. “The communications must also reasonably be intended as confidential meaning that the communication must not be shared with any third party.” according to americanbar.org. Paralegals and attorneys do have to respect confidentiality in the same way. “A paralegal is subjected to the same duty as an attorney to maintain inviolate the confidentiality.” according to sdparalegals.org. Conversations must be kept confidential even through technology. “Paralegals communicating in cyberspace through any form of electronic communication shall maintain and preserve client confidences and secrets.” according to legaco.org. Clients have trust in their paralegal and attorney and it’s important to not let them down. Trust is something to be taken seriously especially in a legal manner. “Paralegal - client privilege is the confidentiality under which clients can talk to their legal representatives without fear that information will be shared with people outside the legal team.” according to allcriminaljusticeschools.com. There is an abundant amount of respect when it comes to confidentiality. Confidentiality stays even …show more content…
From filing cases, background checks and to search for cases even in different counties. “Many courts now use electronic systems that allow case documents, such as pleadings, motions, and petitions to be filed with the court using a computer and internet connection.” according to obrienandbails.com. Being a paralegal a duty is to have to file literally everything because all the information they use in cases is considered valuable especially to the clients because it’s personal to them. When filing all the information the paralegal must be able to control all the documents and how they’re stored. “As a legal assistant, there will be duties asked to assist in the collection and storage of documents.” according to obrienandbails.com. Without it being much of a surprise, paralegals also use such sufficient documents that many people use today. “Microsoft Office, Open Office, and Google Docs are common software suites that are used in many law firms.” also according to obrienandbails.com. The way paralegals keep up to date is through the internet. “As a legal professional, requirements may be to use library and internet resources to discover and confirm information relevant to court cases, hearings, depositions, and legal meetings.” also according to obrienandbails.com. Including more ways paralegals use electronics they help their attorneys with distant cases. “Law firms may use video conferencing to eliminate