
Parallel Images In Twelfth Night Essay

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To what extent are parallel images the key convention used for comedic effect in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night?

In Twelfth Night the fundamental plot line of Viola arriving in Illyria, as a result of the shipwreck, and is the catalyst of some of the main comic events within the play. This is achieved through the visual, parallel image of Viola dressed up as her twin brother Sebastian. Her disguise creates hilarious moments of farce such as patterns of ludicrous suits for marriage and a comedic slapstick ‘play within a play’. However Shakespeare also uses parallel imagery within his structure and setting, disassociated from Viola’s disguise, to create comedy.

When Viola arrives on the island she becomes the persona of Cesario for her own
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This adds to Malvolios’s irritation with Toby later on. Equally there is subversion of status within mirrored suits for marriage, one of which is Olivia usurping her rank by declaring her love for Cesario, supposed manservant. This suit for marriage is echoed when Olivia’s manservant Malvolio imagines being able “to ask for my kinsman Toby” if Olivia where is mistress. Malvolio’s humble place in society contrasts with his exalted aspirations. This corresponds with the concept of the ‘green world’, which in this case is Illyria, and is the space created for the confusion to take place. Shakespeare often sets his comedies in far off lands so that the audience has faith in the likelihood of the disorder. John W. Draper writes that ‘in Illyria, as in the Forest of Arden [As You Like It], anything may happen’. The placement of Illyria in the heart of the Mediterranean is a parallel climate to that of known by the English audience. Characters feel woozy and romantic and there feelings are externalized throughout the setting, the humid climate clouds their judgments, making them act foolishly and behave in a way to create dramatic comedy for the

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