K. KAVI SUMI, email: kavisumi@rocketmail.com, kavisumi06@gmail.com
ABSTRACT Contemporary avant-garde architecture is addressing the demand for an increased level of expressed complexity by means of retooling its method on the basis of parametric design. The ground of parametric design is the generation of geometry from the definition of a family of initial parameters and the design of formal relations they keep with each other. The benefit of this process is immediate and is fundamental when minimizing the effort needed to create and test design variants. It is the use of algorithm and advanced computational techniques not for the sake of drawing shapes but creating formal possibilities. Parametric and generative modelling have become increasingly popular in the world of architectural design. This has caused many software developers to release applications that support this kind of modelling. CAD software‘s like ketia, bentley, grasshopper plugin for rhino and many others fall in this category. This paper is aimed at gaining better understanding of the phenomenon of parametric design and the process involved in designing with parameters and the use of parametric modelling software.
KEYWORDS Parametric design, Computational techniques, Generative modelling, CAD, Grasshopper.
SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS This research paper deals with the fundamentals of parametric building information modelling and physical simulation for form finding in contemporary architecture using various freeform surface modeling tools to create complex geometries that challenge construction methods.
Parametric Design is the process of designing in environments where design variations are effortless, thus replacing singularity with multiplicity in the design process. Parametric design is done with the aid of Parametric Models. A parametric model is a computer representation of a design constructed with geometrical
References: http://www.parametriccamp.com/en/what-is-parametric-design http://www.rethinking-architecture.com/introduction-parametric-design,354 http://www.alexhogrefe.com/thesis-work http://aiacc.org/2012/06/25/parametric-design-a-brief-history http://mc-smith.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Taipei-Tower-Report http://www710.univ-lyon1.fr/~bouakaz/Article_Master2/Reconstr+Avatr/ParametricDsign http://www.karamba3d.com/tag/grasshopper/ http://www.grasshopper3d.com/ http://tf-arch.com/66191/509653/gallery/parametric-design http://ftp2.bentley.com/dist/collateral/docs/case_studies/cs_arup_melbourne_rectangular_stadium http://highpeakpress.com/books/Chp8_Parametric_Design http://www.grasshopper3d.com/page/library-algorithms-and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parametricism http://www.patrikschumacher.com/Texts/Parametricism%20%20A%20New%20Global%20Style%20for%20Architecture%20and%20Urban%20Design.html http://www.patrikschumacher.com/Texts/Parametricism%20as%20Style.htm AISH, R., WOODBURY, R. (2005) Multi-level interaction in parametric design, in A. Butz, B.Fisher, A. Krüger and P. Oliver (eds.) SmartGraphics, 5th Int. Symp., SG2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin. Thinking parametric design: introducing parametric Gaudi Carlos Roberto Barrios Hernandez, Department of Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 10-491M, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA parametric design as a technique of convergence marta malé-alemany and josé pedro sousa SCI-ARC - Southern California Institute of Architecture Email address: martamale@earthlink.net jps-x@mail.telepac.pt Parametric thinking in urban design– a geometric approach Nicolai steinø Aalborg University Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology steino@create.aau.dk Adaptive generative patterns giorgos artopoulos and stanislav roudavski 1 Cambridge University Digital Studios & Moving Image Studio (CUMIS), 1 Bene 't Place, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1EL, UK Email addresses: george.artopoulos@gmail.com stanislav@stanislavroudavski.net FRANÇOIS PENZ Email address: fp12@cam.ac.uk