PRIDE stands for: (1) Praise; (2) Reflect; (3) Imitate; (4) Describe; and (5) Enjoyment. This means that the parent or caregiver should focus on praising their child as much as possible, reflect on what their child says to them, imitate the way their child is playing, describe aloud what the child is doing and praise them for doing good things, and enjoy the special time they are spending with the child.
B. Multisystemic Therapy (MST) Multisystemic Therapy, or MST, is an intensive family and community-focused form of evidence-based treatment (EBT) for chronic and violent youth, ages 12 through 17. This type of therapy seeks to break the cycle of criminal behavior in chronic and violent youth by keeping teens at home, in school, and out of trouble. The treatment program focuses on addressing all environmental systems and individuals that impact the lives of chronic and juvenile offenders, including their homes, families, schools, teachers, neighborhoods and friends. The program serves as a short-term, usually 4 to 6 month, intervention for families and youth with severe psychosocial and behavioral problems and incorporates aspects of cognitive, behavioral and family therapies. MST Services works with agencies that strive to keep juveniles who have already gotten into serious trouble numerous times from being placed in out-of-home placements in the