Chapter 1- Introduction.
The purpose of this Independent Study is to investigate and determine how working in partnership between parents and practitioners affects the lives of the children, their families and the staff at the setting. I will focus my research predominantly on how we as parents and professionals can ensure this partnership has a positive impact on children’s learning and development within school. I will reflect upon the role played by parents, carers and families in supporting children’s well–being and reflect upon my own role within multi-agency working. I will include the skills needed to communicate positively and effectively with children, young people and their families whilst recognising and sharing the need to value difference and diversity in addressing children’s needs.
The setting for this small scale project (Bell 2001) is the school where I am a volunteer, which will allow me to capture the school environment. This is a smaller than average primary school in a small village in Somerset. Almost all pupils are of White British background. Few children are eligible for free school meals. The proportion that has special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities is below average. The school operates four mixed-age classes including one for both Reception and Year 1 children. The ethos of the school provides an environment conducive to learning, where teaching objectives are clearly defined and structured and where students are motivated to learn and reach their potential.
The school received an Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) inspection in January 2010. In its report, the school was described as a satisfactory school that provided a satisfactory quality of teaching.
I define partnership as an agreement between two or more parties that have agreed to work
References: Beveridge, S (2004) Children, Families and Schools: Developing Partnerships for Inclusive Education London: Routledge Farmer. Denscombe, M. (2003) The good research guide: for small scale social research projects. Berkshire: Open University Press. Denscombe, M. (2007) The good research guide: for small scale social research projects. Berkshire: Open University Press. Epstein, J (2010) School, Family and Community Partnerships: Preparing Educators and Improving Schools. London: Westview Press. Opie, C & Sikes, P. (2004) Doing educational research: a guide to first time researchers. London: Sage Publications. Sanders, M (2006) Building School-Community Partnerships: Collaboration for Student Success . London: Corwin Press. Sharp, J. (2009) Success with Your Educational Research Project. London: Learning Matters. Walliman, N & Buckler, S. (2008) Your dissertation in education. Sage Publications: London.