Dear Parents, Guardians and Students:
HAPPY NEW YEAR! We hope your family enjoyed a happy and healthy Winter Break. This letter contains information regarding the January Semester Exams. The schedule and exemption policy may impact attendance and possibly transportation. We want you to have ample time to plan so that students are optimally prepared and can avoid absences during those 4 critical days.
Exams will take place from Tuesday, January 20th through Friday, January 23rd. Students will NOT attend school on January 26th or 27th due to Staff Development Workdays. During the exam days, school will run on a partial-day schedule. We will hold two (2) exams per day. All exams will run for two (2) hours each with breaks between according to the following schedule:
Friday, January 23rd will have a unique schedule to accommodate HCS transportation. There will be two snack breaks – 10:20 – 10:40 and 10:45 – 11:05.
Students in double-block math classes will test on the first day of the block cycle. Students are then automatically excused from the second day of the cycle. For example, a student with a double-block Geometry class that meets 2nd and 6th blocks will take the exam on Tuesday during
2nd block, but is then excused on Wednesday during 6th block.
Transportation will run on the above schedule. There WILL be a mid-morning bus run at 10:30
AM to take students home who only have a first exam. Students may opt to use their own transportation if they choose not to use the morning bus on those days that they do not have a first exam. If students do not have an exam and wish to be in the building may report to the auditorium where they will be supervised. Each parent/guardian should be aware of your individual student’s schedule for the week so that you know when your student will and will not be in attendance.
All students are expected to take first semester exams unless they earn an official Exemption.
Exam exemptions will NOT be granted for any AP