It is considered as Lindsay Lohan’s debut movie, managing to pull off dual roles as both of the identical twins. They could have gotten real twins for the roles of the girls, since Lindsay Lohan wasn't a box office attraction (at this point in her career), but the movie would not necessarily been better in my opinion. The viewer could honestly not tell there really weren’t two Lohans whenever “they” appeared on screen together, thumbs up to the visual effects department. Combined with appearances of body doubles at times and timed reaction shots, it can be confusing for younger audiences to believe that it was only one actress.
We also cannot overlook how Lindsay Lohan did an excellent job of portraying these seemingly identical yet very different girls. The characteristics of the girls and the situation going on in the film (girls pretending to be each other and going back as the other to their parents) gave the young actress a challenge as to whether she could adapt to such an in-depth role or more appropriately, role’s’.
The film is rather childish as mentioned above, but nonetheless, it has that sweet Disney atmosphere that is so attractive to the younger generation. Somehow, Parent Trap is just the right blend of comedy to win the children over and intelligent plot with rich, memorable characters. The movie fluctuates from the sweet to the slapstick without becoming cringingly overboard.
For me, Parent Trap had two dimensions: the fun, exhilarating mischief of