Parental Alienation Syndrome
I am working with the Greene County Court House. I observe a few different types of court cases such as Sessions, Magistrates, Juvenile, and Criminal court. During recess I ask a series of questions from surveys about PAS to random people that come through there. PAS is a recent study about a parent becoming alienated from their child's life following a divorce. I chose this project, because PAS interested me, and I am a Criminal Justice major, so I thought it would be good to do something in my field of study.
While observing court I would listen to each person's testimony as to why they were there. Some of the people in court were currently in jail, so they were prohibited from talking to, therefor I would talk to some of the individuals out on bond, and give them the survey. The Survey is about 10 questions long, and is linked to PAS. It is possible that PAS can be linked to the misbehavior of some teens and/or parents effected by this. It is interesting to find out how many delinquents did actually have a parent alienated from them during their childhood.
PAS stands for Parental Alienation Syndrome. It is classified as a disorder in which a child or parent is affected by the alienation by one of the parents following a divorce. Some recent studies are suggesting the possibility that this disorder actually can explain the misbehavior of a lot of teens or young adults. I gave out 16 surveys to children, 14 to criminals, and 16 to random adults who have not been in trouble with the law. After collecting all the data from the surveys it was clear there was no direct correlation between PAS and the bad behavior of individuals.
Although I gave out quite a bit of surveys, it is still a small number compared to the amount of people in the world. My own personal findings did not find a correlation, but I recommend that others should conduct their own studies to see what they find, because sadly, it is not being looked