Title I, Part A
Non-Regulatory Guidance
April 23, 2004
A-1. What is parental involvement under No Child Left Behind? 3
A-2. What is the significance of the statutory definition? 3
A-3. Who is a parent for the purposes of Title I, Part A? 3
A-4. Why is parental involvement important? 3
A-5. What does the research show about how family involvement in children’s education affects student achievement? 4
A-6. What are the key Title I, Part A parental notice requirements? 4
A-7. What are the parental involvement provisions in section 1118 of the ESEA? 4
A-8. How must SEAs, LEAs, and schools communicate with parents in general? 4 …show more content…
[Section 9101(32), ESEA.]
A-2. What is the significance of the statutory definition?
The definition of parental involvement sets the parameters, in conjunction with other sections of the law by which SEAs, LEAs and schools will implement programs, activities, and procedures to involve parents in Title I, Part A programs.
A-3. Who is a parent for the purposes of Title I, Part A?
The term “parent” includes in addition to a natural parent, a legal guardian or other person standing in loco parentis (such as a grandparent or stepparent with whom the child lives, or a person who is legally responsible for the child’s welfare). [Section 9101(31), ESEA.]
A-4. Why is parental involvement important?
A synthesis of the research concluded that “the evidence is consistent, positive, and convincing: families have a major influence on their children’s achievement in school and through life. When schools, families, and community groups work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like school …show more content…
(See, for example, a State’s notification to parents of LEA improvement status (section 1116(c)(6)), a school’s notification to parents of the written parental involvement policy (section 1118(b)(1)), and LEA and school notifications to parents of information related to parent programs, meetings, and other activities (section 1118(e)(5).) [Title I, Part A Final Regulations, 34 CFR Section 200.36 (“Title I