A biological parents mean you gave birth to the child. An adoptive parent means you’re taking care of a child that you did not give birth to but there legally yours. A foster parent is someone who isn’t legally there parent but just take care of them for a time period.
2. What financial needs are parents obligated to provide and which are optional?
Financial needs that parents have to provide are food, shelter, clothing, healthcare and the basic 12 years of education. Optional needs are toys, electronics and college.
3. What other needs might a child have that a parent is expected to provide?
Needs that a child might have that a parent is expected to provide are financial needs, safety and security, emotional needs, educational needs and discipline.
4. What are the qualities of a nurturing parent?
Nurturing parents should understand what level of physical, academic, social, and emotional maturity that is appropriate at their kid’s age. They should also encourage appropriate development of their child, but they shouldn’t pressure their child.
Critical Thinking Questions
1. What qualities make a person a good parent? A bad parent?
The qualities that make a person a good parent is someone who wants the best for their child and someone who puts themselves on the back burner to support their child. A bad parent is someone who is selfish and doesn’t show any love and affection.
2. Which parental responsibilities do you think would be the most challenging? Why?
The hardest parental responsibilities that would be the most challenging in my opinion would be financially. I think financially would be the most difficult because you have so many responsibilities that involve caring for your child and making sure they are happy and healthy.
3. Which parental responsibilities do you think would be the most interesting to you? Why?
The parental