In the mid-20th century, parents were frequently considered responsible for the cases of their children with ASD. Among the reasons for blaming the parents for their child’s ASD condition were parenting styles or lack of some parenting skills that are required with a challenging child. Although this is no longer customary in professional circles, this qualitative study shows that parents still receive blame from community members and extended family. In this study, 11 parents of children with autism participated in two focus groups (Neely-Barnes, Hall, …show more content…
According to the DSM-5, HFASDs are placed under the level 1 category. Level 1 is characterized by evident deficiencies in social communication. Individuals with HFASD could struggle with initiating social interactions and failure to respond to the social gestures of others. This could result in reduced interest in social interactions. The DSM-5 also indicates the behavior components. These are the behaviors of inflexibility, transitions, and difficulties in organizing and planning ahead independently (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
In this study, 48 parents of children with HFASD and 26 parents of children without any disability completed a packet of psychological surveys (Lee, 2009). The study finds a statistically significant difference between the HFASD and control groups in depression, anxiety, one subscale of the marital adjustment measure, and four subscales of the coping measures. Parents of children with HFASD displayed less adaptive coping skills compared to parents of children without any disability. Mothers of children with HFASD exhibited more adaptive coping skills as compared to their father equals. However, effect of the interaction between disability and gender was not significant (Lee, …show more content…
It also examined the mother’s maternal interaction style, taking into account the child’s competence, autism symptoms, and maternal depression. Participants included 63 children with an ASD between 20 and 50 months of age and their mothers. Mothers who were more emotionally resolved were ranked high in cognitive engagement and supportive engagement in play interactions, reflecting better verbal and nonverbal support to improve the child’s play and attention to activities and greater exchange and mutual enjoyment (Wachtel & Carter,