The articles purpose is to evaluate whether one parent’s way of coping on dealing with the death of a child is influenced by the others parent’s way of coping or dealing with the loss of a child. To do this, couples were contacted using obituary notices and follow up phone calls to ask to participate in the study. No parents that were grandparents or single parents were included. Researchers used the Dual Coping Inventory (DCI), a newly constructed coping line, to measure coping in the loss. The DCI measured loss-oriented scale consisted of three questions that focused on losing their child where the restoration oriental coping scale consisted of four questions focused on moving forward. The dependent variables depression and guide reactions were transformed to a scale of 0-100 to accommodate the comparison between predictive value of depression and grief, with 0 being the lowest score.
The Actor Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) was used to analyze the individual parent effect, the partner effect and any interactions if possible. In this study the action effect estimates the influence that an actor’s own score in the independent variable like restoration-oriented coping, has